Wednesday, January 23, 2008


oh no! i cant tahan edi! i CANT STAND d sound pollution from d malays!
their new sound system edi lead to s sound pullution for all d ppl around tis area!
5 times per day..
whenever d pigs start to "sing".. i will awake from sweet dreams or cant continue to my studies~
it seriously affect my life!
i m thinking d way to make complaints..
any suggestion?!

i ll be crazy soon!
i do respect their religion...
but just don understand y they have to pray till so loud???!!!!
don't they realise that when they pray around 5am..
ppl r still sleeping n they are totally annoying?!
n izit malaysia hav a law about do not make noise after 12am?
can i sue them?!
if they wan other to respect them..
please respect other 1st!!!